2011: The Year of the Blog

*Update: When I wrote this, I was struggling with the idea of moving back to Texas and going back to work, which would require me to polish up my online image a bit. As the months ticked by, it became apparent that although we wanted to go to Texas NOW, and had prayed for such happenings, God’s answer was either “No,” or “Not now.” I really wanted to mope about that, but I decided instead I’d just bloom where I was planted. So I’m baaaack.

As the year draws to a close, so does my blogging experiment. For one year, ever since January 2nd when I posted a gallery of photos from the year before, I wrote and kept a public record of my life.

I shared funny stories about the world around me: my son, my extended family and my friends.

I published recipes that were special to me as well as new ones that I just had to share.

During that time, I made some wonderful friends. Some of whom I’ve been lucky enough to meet face to face, and some who I count the days until we get to share a bottle of wine or see our children play.

I’ve discovered that I’m living virtually parallel lives with so many women across the world. I’ve watched as others struggled with PPD, chronic illness and loss in their families and I’ve hurt, prayed and offered support along with the rest of the blogging community.

This entire year has been such a gift to me.

I’ve been amazed to see that during twelve short months, my blog has seen more page views and more followers than I ever though possible. I’ve been blessed with opportunities to earn money for my family through blogging.

I’ve been able to accept, for myself, that if I put my mind to something I can take it as far as I want. That I can be successful.

So, thank you, wonderful blogging family and friends and exceptional brands, for this gift that you gave me.

During this next year, my family has been blessed with a couple of new projects – projects I either can’t or won’t write about just yet. Because it’s so hard for me to not write about what’s happening in my life, I’m ceasing posts on mamamash.com for the time being.

I’ll still be available if you need a guest post – you can find me on Twitter (where I won’t be posting much but will answer mentions and DMs) or you can email me at mamamashblog at gmail dot com. I’ll also continue to subscribe to your awesome blogs and visit you when I can.

I wish all of you the happiest of new years, I look forward to coming back in a few months to update you on our little projects and I leave you with my favorite posts. God Bless!

My favorite stories:

The Five Nap Commandments: My all-time favorite post, written while sleep deprived.

Rookie Mom Mistake: Sending Mixed Signals: When pooping deserves its own celebration.

The Pythagorean Theorem in Real Life: Wherein I explain how my husband got those stitches in his face

The Legend of Captain B: A sort of feature a did about my cousin, the man I’m sure will save us all during the Zombie Apocalypse.

Does that mean I can say fart now:  A post about the silly people who are my heart and soul.

Ewwwshi: Sometimes, my family does not share my tastes in cuisine.

Sugar and Spice and some potty advice: The first time I realized that my days of pooping alone were over.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat: How motherhood can be monotonous, but also satisfying.

My favorite recipes:

Cheesy Chicken and Spinach Lasagna

Chicken Spaghetti

Italian Wedding Soup

Tomato Basil Soup and Grilled Gruyère Sandwiches

My guest posts:

Today’s PSA: The Drawer – At Multitasking Mumma’s

If I Could Turn Back Time – at Chosen Chaos

Making Memories – at New Mom Survival Adventure

Guest Star – at Mama Wants This

44 thoughts on “2011: The Year of the Blog

    1. You’ve been such a great friend, Greta. I’m so glad to have met you IRL and I hope you have a blast at Blissdom! I’ll be over later to steal Erv’s sock monkey blanket, btw.

  1. I was not expecting this. Julie, you complete me. It’s gonna be rough, girl. But you are right, you’ve had a big year, and I’m honored to have been able to follow it. I hope 2012 is good to you! Lub you.

    1. Thanks, Megan. I will think of you often this year, because I can’t do what I have to do without some SERIOUS decluttering.

      One in, one out. One in, one out. 😉

  2. I’m sad that I won’t have your witty posts to turn too for a little while but I’m excited for your family and your “projects.”

    I’ll be here waiting!!!

  3. Well, I’m sad to not see your posts (what am I gonna cook???) but I know that we’ll keep in touch. Truly, I’m grateful that the interwebz have brought us together somehow. We talk more on Twitter anyway, lol! But I’m excited for the big changes in your life and wish you nothing but happiness, love and peace.

    Hope to see you back blogging again though b/c I do enjoy your posts, lady!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, sweet lady. Your encouragement and humour has helped me smile when smiling seemed like the hardest thing ever, and I am so very, very grateful. ((hugs)) All my best to you for 2012!

  5. I am so glad to have met you through the online world. It really has given me wonderful people that I can now call my friends.

    I’m sorry to see you take a break from blogging, but I’m very excited to see where your new ventures take you. Don’t lose touch, ok? I’ll haunt you Twitter. 😉

  6. Oh, we’ll miss you! Best of luck to you in 2012, and I hope you won’t stay away too long. I know you’ll have fabulous stories to share with us when you come back. You WILL come back, right??? Happy New Year!

  7. Oh, my! This was a surprise. I hope that your next projects – whatever they are – are fulfilling and bring you great joy. I’ll miss you!

  8. Well, I’ll miss you! Hope we can stay in touch through other social media outlets. Good luck to you! Hope to see you back soon. 🙂

  9. I read this a couple days ago, but didn’t comment because I was too bummed (for me, not you). But now that I’ve had time to digest it, I can stop being selfish and be happy for you. I will truly miss reading your blog, Julie. I hope you’ll come back to us in some form when you can! Whatever you’ve got brewing is going to be epic. (I have a guess!) Please keep in touch! with love, Iris

  10. I’m sorry to see you go! I’ve loved coming here to read & laugh and compare recipes on Monday.

    I hope to see you back soon and know that we’ll all miss you dearly & be waiting here when you return.

    Will we see you at Blissdom still?

  11. I hate being late to the party and wish I would have found you sooner. I feel like I missed the Mamamash boat. I do hope you enjoy your respite, but I hope you return soon. You have so much to contribute to this wonderful, crazy blogging community!

  12. “ceasing posts on mamamash.com” makes me a little sad. Nevertheless, I’m really happy for you that you’ve got some exciting projects to work on. Here’s wishing you every success in the new year! And lots of happiness too! 🙂

  13. I am going to miss seeing your face in the blogging world! I know you said you will be around, but it just won’t be the same. I get it, though. I do. Blogging can be so time consuming. I wish you the best in all of your projects!! It has been fun getting to know you. 🙂

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